Cannabis Myths
Cannabis has been a controversial topic for decades, with many cannabis myths and misconceptions surrounding its use. Our Pottery LA weed shop team is here to debunk them all.
Dispelling Cannabis Myths and Misconceptions
From the idea that cannabis is a gateway drug to claims that it can lead to mental health issues, there are plenty of false cannabis myths out there. It’s important to understand what is true and what isn’t in order to make an educated decision regarding cannabis use. In this article, we will bust some of the most common cannabis myths and provide clarification on some of the facts surrounding THC and CBD products so readers can make informed decisions when considering cannabis as part of their lifestyle.
We also recently covered this topic in our Friends of the Farm Lecture Series. You can watch the full webinar right here:
History of Cannabis Myths
Before we dive into debunking some of the most common cannabis myths, let’s take a look at the history of where many of these myths originated — and the people responsible for perpetuating them. Many cannabis myths have been spread due to a lack of education and understanding of cannabis, as well as an intentional effort by certain groups to demonize cannabis in the late 19th century. These efforts were successful, leading to cannabis prohibition in many countries for decades.
However, with more research being done on cannabis in recent years and its increasing acceptance among different communities, we are beginning to understand the truth behind cannabis use and its effects on the body.
Meet Harry J. Anslinger
Harry J. Anslinger was an early 20th century figure infamous for his prejudice against cannabis. During his time as the head of the United States Federal Bureau of Narcotics, he attempted to link the use of marijuana to violent and immoral behavior. He used fear tactics and propaganda to lead a misguided public smear campaign against “weed smokers”, even going so far as to call it “the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind”. Decades later, science has disproven many of Anslinger’s false claims but much damage had been done due to his mistaken beliefs about the lack of harm associated with cannabis use.
But it wasn’t just misguided views that led to many of the persistent myths surrounding cannabis. It was also prejudice combined with targeted campaigns against specific communities.
Cannabis Prosecution for Criminalizing Minority Populations
From the early 20th century figure Harry J. Anslinger to more contemporary cannabis laws, cannabis prosecution has been used to target certain communities and reinforce systemic racism. Through fear tactics and propaganda, cannabis was demonized in order to vilify those who were using it for their own personal use or medicinal purposes. This caused many people from minority backgrounds to be unfairly targeted by law enforcement officers due to their race or ethnicity rather than any actual wrongdoing on their part.
The unfairness of cannabis prosecution against minorities is evident when looking at incarceration rates among different races in the US today. African Americans are 3 times more likely than whites to be arrested for cannabis possession despite similar usage rates between both groups according to recent statistics published by The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
While this may not necessarily prove that there is an intentional bias among law enforcement officers towards minorities, it does show that there are clear disparities between how white people and black people are treated when it comes to cannabis-related offenses which can lead one to believe that racial prejudice plays a role in these decisions being made at the highest levels of government institutions such as police departments across America.
Serving Big Industries
The cannabis industry has been plagued by myths and misconceptions for decades, many of which have been perpetuated by the cigarette and other industries to reduce competition.
The cannabis industry has long faced prejudice from powerful interests, including the federal government, pharmaceutical corporations, and alcohol producers who have sought to limit its reach in order to protect their own profits. This is evidenced by a number of targeted campaigns against cannabis users that were designed to criminalize minority populations while serving big industries.
The anti-cannabis rhetoric was so pervasive that it eventually led to cannabis being classified as an illegal drug under U.S law in 1970 with no medicinal value despite evidence showing otherwise. This decision had far-reaching consequences on cannabis research efforts and continues to this day with many states still having restrictive laws regarding cannabis use or possession even though medical benefits are now widely accepted due scientific studies conducted over the years.
Big tobacco companies also continue their attacks on the cannabis industry through deceptive advertising campaigns meant to discourage people from using marijuana instead of smoking cigarettes. It’s clear that these tactics have been used time and time again in order for powerful corporate interests to maintain control over certain markets rather than allowing for open competition between different products like cannabis or nicotine based products.
Cannabis Myth #1: Cannabis is a Gateway Drug
One of the most common cannabis myths is that cannabis use leads to the use of harder or more dangerous substances. However, this has been debunked by numerous scientific studies on cannabis and its effects on users.
While cannabis may be used in combination with other drugs, there is no evidence that it causes people to progress to using more potent or dangerous drugs over time. Instead, cannabis can be beneficial for those who are struggling with addiction to harder drugs as it can help them manage their withdrawal symptoms and cravings while they go through treatment programs.
The truth is that cannabis is not a gateway drug and can actually have therapeutic benefits for those dealing with substance abuse issues. It’s important to understand the facts about cannabis in order to dispel these persistent cannabis myths so more people can benefit safely from its positive effects.
Cannabis Myth #2: Cannabis Use Leads to Addiction
Another cannabis myth is that cannabis use leads to addiction. While cannabis can be addictive for some people, it’s important to note that the majority of cannabis users do not become dependent on the drug. According to a National Institute on Drug Abuse study, only 9 percent of cannabis users will ever develop an addiction. In comparison, 15 percent of alcohol users and 32 percent of tobacco smokers will become addicted. This means that cannabis has a lower rate of addiction than many other recreational drugs and does not lead to physical dependence in most cases.
It’s also important to remember that cannabis use disorder can be successfully treated with therapy and counseling for those who suffer from it. If you are worried about your cannabis use or believe you might have a cannabis use disorder, it’s important to speak to a medical professional who can provide you with the necessary resources and treatments.
By understanding the facts about cannabis and dispelling cannabis myths, we can reduce cannabis stigma and improve its reputation as an effective natural treatment for many conditions.
Cannabis Myth #3: Cannabis Causes Cancer
Another cannabis myth is that cannabis causes cancer. However, research conducted by the National Cancer Institute has found that cannabis does not increase an individual’s risk of developing cancer. In fact, some studies have even suggested that cannabis might reduce the risk of certain types of cancer due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
It’s also important to note that cannabis smoke contains fewer carcinogens than tobacco smoke, which means it is less likely to cause long-term damage to your body and lungs. Of course, when using cannabis or any other recreational drug, it’s still important to use it responsibly in order to reduce your risk of negative side effects or health complications.
Overall, cannabis can be a safe and effective way to treat certain medical conditions, but it’s important to be aware of cannabis myths in order to make an informed decision about whether or not cannabis is right for you.
Cannabis Myth #4: All Cannabis Products are the Same
Another cannabis myth is that all cannabis products are the same. While cannabis has many similar effects, there are also major differences between various cannabis strains and products. Different cannabis strains have different levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which can affect their medicinal value as well as their potential side effects.
The type of cannabis product you use can make a difference in your experience with cannabis, so it’s important to do research on different cannabis strains before making a purchase. Additionally, when choosing between cannabis or nicotine-based products, it’s important to consider the known health risks associated with each one as well as their individual benefits.
Cannabis Myth #5: You Can Easily Overdose on Cannabis
The final cannabis myth we need to address is that cannabis is easy to overdose on. While cannabis can have side effects, it’s virtually impossible to overdose on cannabis alone. A study conducted by the Drug Abuse Warning Network found that there were no fatal cannabis overdoses in the United States between 1999 and 2017.
With that being said, it’s still important to use cannabis responsibly and monitor your dosage. Too much THC can cause anxiety and other unpleasant side effects, so it’s best to start with a low dose and adjust accordingly until you find an optimal dose for your needs.
By clearing up cannabis myths, we can better understand cannabis and its potential medicinal benefits — and buy California cannabis responsibly. Cannabis is a safe and effective treatment for many conditions when used responsibly, so it’s important to arm yourself with facts before making a decision about cannabis use.