Cannabis Trends in California

Craft cannabis is gaining serious traction in California. Consumers are increasingly looking for unique and locally grown strains that offer exceptional quality and flavor. Boutique cannabis brands are thriving, and connoisseurs are exploring small-batch, artisanal products. At  LA cannabis dispensary, we proudly support local craft growers, and you can expect to find an ever-expanding selection of artisanal cannabis flower and other products on our shelves.

Cannabis trends

Craft Cannabis and Boutique Brands

Craft cannabis is gaining serious traction in California. Consumers are increasingly looking for unique and locally grown strains that offer exceptional quality and flavor. Boutique cannabis brands are thriving, and connoisseurs are exploring small-batch, artisanal products. At The Pottery LA, we proudly support local craft growers, and you can expect to find an ever-expanding selection of artisanal cannabis products on our shelves.

Cannabinoid Diversity

While THC and CBD have been the stars of the show, 2023 is all about exploring the full spectrum of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids like CBG (cannabigerol), CBN (cannabinol), and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin) are gaining recognition for their potential therapeutic benefits. Whether you’re looking for relaxation, focus, or pain relief, the diverse world of cannabinoids has something to offer.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

California has a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, and the cannabis industry is no exception. More consumers are seeking eco-friendly cannabis products and supporting companies that prioritize sustainability. Look for products that boast environmentally friendly cultivation practices, packaging, and waste reduction initiatives.

Microdosing and Personalized Experiences

Microdosing is becoming increasingly popular among cannabis enthusiasts. It involves consuming small, controlled amounts of cannabis to achieve subtle effects without feeling overwhelmed. This trend aligns with the desire for personalized cannabis experiences, where users can tailor their consumption to fit their unique needs and preferences.

Health and Wellness Integration

Cannabis is no longer just for recreational use. It’s now widely recognized for its potential health and wellness benefits. More consumers are turning to cannabis for relaxation, stress relief, sleep improvement, and pain management. Wellness-focused cannabis products like tinctures, topicals, and CBD-infused items are in high demand.

Innovative Consumption Methods

Beyond traditional smoking and edibles, innovative consumption methods are taking center stage. Cannabis-infused beverages, sublingual strips, and vaporizers that deliver precise doses are all the rage. These new options provide discreet and convenient ways to enjoy the benefits of cannabis.

Education and Advocacy

As cannabis becomes more widely accepted, education and advocacy efforts are growing stronger. People are eager to learn about the science, history, and legal aspects of cannabis. At The Pottery LA, we’re committed to providing our customers with the information they need to make informed decisions about their cannabis use.

Cannabis and Entertainment Pairings

California’s entertainment industry is known worldwide, and now it’s intersecting with cannabis in exciting ways. Cannabis-themed events, movie screenings, and concerts are on the rise, offering unique experiences for enthusiasts to enjoy alongside their favorite pastimes.


As we step into 2023, California’s cannabis landscape continues to evolve. From craft cannabis to cannabinoid diversity and sustainable practices, the cannabis industry is more dynamic than ever before. At The Pottery LA Cannabis Dispensary, we’re here to stay at the forefront of these trends, ensuring our customers have access to the latest and greatest in the world of cannabis. Visit us today to discover these hot trends and more as you explore the vibrant cannabis culture of California.

Cannabis trends